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What's happening in the student market?

For many years, both Oxford University and Brookes University have had more students renting in the private sector than was strictly allowed. In recent years the planning rules for student accommodation developments have been relaxed, and as a result Oxford has seen a number of purpose built student developments being built on many of the main tributary roads.

Many of the Oxford colleges have been building accommodation with the aim of being able to house more of their students than before. Unite and other developers such as Student Castle have been working in partnership with Oxford Brookes university to develop large blocks of accommodation and there are more currently under construction.


The construction of these additional rooms will have an impact on the privately rented student housing market and we have already seen this year that the initial frenzied December market has quitened a bit.

However, most 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students still prefer renting a well presented shared house with friends, rather than remaining in a student block for the whole of their studies. It is also true that both Universities have a desire to increase their student numbers.

What is key now, is ensuring that the properties offered are properly managed, legally compliant (with all the raft of recent HMO and other regulations) and are presented in the best condition that they can be, well decorated and with coordinating fixtures, fittings and furniture. This isn't new, it's what I have been saying for over 15 years but it is now truer than ever.

If you would like an honest, independent up to date report of your student property and where it sits in the Oxford student market, please get in touch​

Simon Tyrrell - Christmas 2018

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